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One-part oil alykd metallic enamel paint provides appearance of real gold leaf gilding Excellent for boat lettering, painting cover stripes, signs and decorative finishes Suitable for both interior and exterior use. Extensively tested for tarnishing resistance. Apply by brush, roller or spray for beautiful results indoors or out Available in Pint and Quart sizes. Coverage: 40-50 sq. ft. per pint @ 2 mils dry film thickness 80-100 sq. ft. per quart @ 2 mils dry film thickness. TotalGold is an 1 part oil alkyd paint that provides brilliant gold appearance on wood, fiberglass, and some metals (aluminum requires an etching primer). Use it for boat lettering work, signs, decorative finish work, inside and out. Get the timeless look of real gold leaf gilding without the astronomical price. All TotalBoat products are developed by boaters, for boaters. Compare to Sheffield Gold and Kemp Permagild enamel.